Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reunion Updates

The previous posts on this blog contain all the current info on our reunion events.  I'm going to be updating it with additional news during the time leading up to the reunion.  Check back often, or sign up to "follow" the blog to get notices when new posts are written.  Add your comments or email me pictures to post.
Does this make me a blogger?  I guess I can check that off my bucket list!  haha or I think I'm supposed to say lol.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

****** EVITES ******

You will receive an evite for each of the 3 reunion events.  Please respond to these as soon as you can, even if your response is "maybe".  As I'm sure you've all experienced, it's hard to plan a party when you don't know how many are coming!  Thanks!!!

Our beautiful church (used here to instill some catholic guilt so that you respond promptly)

Reunion Event 3: Party on Sept 10

Class of '61 at our 25th reunion, August, 1986
     On Saturday, September 10, 3:00 pm, our main reunion celebration will be held at Ken Kuefler's house:

7229 Grove Rd.
Oswego, IL 60543

$25/person includes dinner, soft drinks, wine and beer.  Spouses and all “others” are invited.   Send your check to:

Tom Kuhn
1340 Goldenrod
Naperville, IL 60540

Reunion Event 2: Pizza Party, September 9

Let's meet at 6:00 on September 9 at the VFW in Naperville, for a pizza party.  There will be a cash bar.  We'll collect $5 at the door for pizza. 

Reunion Event 1: Tour of school, September 9

SSPP principal Frank Glowaty is giving us a tour of the "new" remodeled school on Friday afternoon, September 9.  I hope we get to go through the "old" school, also.  The time for this event has not yet been determined.

Save the Date

1st Communion, May 15, 1955
The SS Peter and Paul class of 1961 is celebrating its 50th reunion on September 10, 2011.  Mark your calendar!